Technological development in Sri Lanka's agriculture

 Agricultural weather center.....

An agricultural meteorological station is a technology that measures weather conditions and share with farmers to support their agricultural decisions.

Components of Weather Stations:

Anemometer - Measures wind direction and speed.

Thermometer - Measures atmospheric temperature.

Hygrometer - Measures relative humidity using a percentage measure of water vapour in the air.

Barometer - Measures atmospheric pressure to predict precipitation

Rain Gauge - Measures liquid precipitation using an open container. They usually empty automatically and measure the amount of rainfall over a given time interval.

Pyranometer - Measures solar radiation levels from the sun in watts per square meter (used to calculate ‘evapotranspiration’, the rate at which water evaporates from the soil).

UV Sensor - Measures UV rays from the sun. These sensors are used for precision growing in particular crops like cannabis, where overexposure to UV-rays can stunt leaf growth or affect potency.

Leaf Wetness Sensor - Measures surface moisture of the plants on a scale of 0-15 (dry to saturated). Data from these sensors are used in fungal disease control.

Soil Moisture Sensor - Measures water levels in the soil

Soil Temperature Sensor - Monitors the soil temperature to detect freezing, or high temperatures that can put crops at risk. Also used to calculate rate of evapotranspiration.

Advantages of Agricultural Weather center

  • Save costs : Smart farming leaders to lower costs on labor, water, and nutrients for crops.
  • Save water resources: knowing the exact rainfall for each crop can help optimize watering, thus preventing overwatering, which can impact not only crop health, but the environment.
  • Save time and be more organized: being able to view water levels and weather conditions remotely saves the time it takes to physically go out to the fields. In addition, by knowing weather patterns, you are able to better plan out what needs done during the day while avoiding rain or other weather
  • Easier to make decisions : Everything from pesticides, seeding, irrigation, and labor can be done more accurately with precise data. You can better predict spraying times by tracking historical weather patterns for the exact area and better anticipate disease risks through weather patterns and conditions.
  • More efficient Crop monitoring with less human error: automatic monitoring will lead to more accurate data in less time and with less labor.


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